Player Reports and Bans-
- These can be posted on discord in the player report ticket. Staff will still need the ID of the person who is suspected of breaking a guideline or rule. Staff will also actively enforce community rules and guidelines without reports.
- In order for staff to enforce rules without reports, we will need the players ID, which can be gotten by pressing U or typing /admin with a short message of the issue.
- Stay in character at all times [A]:
- In the event there’s an issue, completely role-play out the scenario and player report if needed. Do not break character / inform the player they are breaking a rule in-game.
- Do not do actions in game in order to bait others into breaking roleplay.
- /OOC usage [A]:
- OOC Chat is restricted to RP stopping technical issues only and is for things that cannot be handled in a support channel through discord.
- Server Restarts [A]:
- Roleplay shouldn’t be stopped or become less serious before a restart; it should continue as normal.
- Loot boxing [A]:
- Looting any player without much roleplay presented for them is prohibited.
- Metagaming [D]:
- Purposely using or relaying information that your character did not learn in-game (Twitch Chats and Discord Channels included) to shape in-game roleplay.
- Powergaming/Fail RP [A or B] Depending on the Situation:
- Using means not actually in-game to gain an advantage or not attempting to fit in to the world in a sensible way:
- Talking/Organizing/Calling out locations while downed.
- Finding the quickest way to make money, rather than roleplaying around the mechanic.
- Avoiding the use of “Put in vehicle” command. Escorting people while in vehicles.
- The use of /me and /notes should be used as much as possible to help aid your scenarios.
- Driving at unrealistic speeds with no character reason over and over.
- Government employees not obeying road laws.
- When you're down and incapacitated you do not have access to your inventory; meaning you cannot access & drop items to the ground.
- If you're downed, you're downed; on-going scenarios stay on-going however, if you're downed and revived (via grandmas or ems) you're not to re-engage in the on-going (original) scenario.
- The holding of spawn in points which require users to go to a black screen is prohibited.
- Transferring of funds between two played characters is not permitted. This includes sending the money to another person or business bank account and then having it transferred to the intended party. This also includes transferring funds from a dead character to a new character, or another player.
- Random Death Match (RDM) & Vehicle Death Match (VDM) [B or C] Depending on the Situation:
- Attacking another player/group without any story/roleplay leading up to it.
- Attacking another player/group using a Vehicle with the intent to kill/knock them out without valid reasoning or initiation.
- Speed (100+) attacking other vehicles (Ramming).
- Using means not actually in-game to gain an advantage or not attempting to fit in to the world in a sensible way:
- New Life Rule (NLR) [B]:
- If you are downed and respawn at the hospital your character forgets the immediate events leading up to being downed in the current scenario. You may not respawn if you’ve been advised that police or EMS is on the way to your scene.
- You must try and contact medical help of some sort while incapacitated.
- Multiple Characters(from the same player) in one gang/group) [B]:
- This is not allowed. In general, try to avoid creating multiple characters involved in the same story/scenarios and could use the same information to push their goals.
- Not Valuing Life (NVL) [B]:
- Not realistically fearing for your life when you are threatened with weapons or severe harm from other means.
- Having non-spontaneous shoot outs at PD or hospital is not allowed.
- Antagonizing gangs/police or armed individuals for no character reason.
- Players should not be inserting themselves into ongoing situations or shootouts, between two groups or one group and the police.
- Criminal Activities [B]:
- Criminals with the intentions to partake in criminal activities that are PvP oriented are limited to 6 players max at a time.
- As an example of where its allowed to have more than 6: If a group of 6 people do hostile actions at a group larger than 6, they are all flagged for that role play scenario & can role play naturally.
- Relaying information to or between characters (lookouts, radio communications) counts you as part of that scenario.
- Choosing shooters/grinders over roleplayers is not acceptable.
- Whenever characters are brought into police custody and a second group of six is formed to attempt a prison break or transport break, that second group is not allowed to intervene until the prison transport begins. Doing so with small weapons or an unthought out plan is also NVL.
- Players wishing to smuggle items ‘into’ the prison are allowed to do so by in game-mean(s) however, are required to have a logical RP reason for the need/want to put their lives at risk.
- You are not allowed to resupply during a heist once the police have arrived.
- You are not allowed to interfere with other parties 'heist' once they have started.
- When an individual is arrested & is being processed (meaning they're in transport or are already at a police station for processing) and a server restart hits; they're required to turn themselves back into the police to continue the roleplay upon getting back into the server ((after a restart)).
- Criminals with the intentions to partake in criminal activities that are PvP oriented are limited to 6 players max at a time.
- No Supernatural Characters [A or B] Depending on the Situation:
- This is to include (but is not limited to) vampires, ghosts, sasquatches, aliens, androids, gods, magical beings, talking animals, witches and warlocks, etc. Any roleplay of this kind must be pre-reviewed and approved by the entire staff team. This does not include characters who *think* they are one of the above (but are actually human underneath).
- Serial Killer characters must be approved by the staff team [A or B] Depending on the Situation:
- If you wish to roleplay as a serial killer character you must have your character idea approved by the entire staff team. Your story must have a definitive ending in mind, and if your character is caught and convicted, there will be no possibility for parole.
- Permanent death stays permanent [A or B] Depending on the Situation:
- If your character dies or is pronounced dead by the doctors, they must remain dead forever. No resurrections, revivals, voodoo rituals or anything of that nature can bring them back. This also includes bringing them back as the same character with a new name.
- Suicide or suicidal roleplay is prohibited [A or B] Depending on the Situation:
- Players are not to engage in suicidal roleplay under any circumstances.
- No underage characters [A or B] Depending on the Situation:
- All characters created must be over 18 years of age.
You can learn more about the ban class info by clicking here
Basic Decency & Respect [Class system is enforced depending on the situation]-
While our goal is to foster a roleplaying experience free from constraints, we realize we have a duty to protect all members of our community regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, etc. We strive to create an environment; a community that promotes a welcoming atmosphere to all members; a community that its members can be proud to say they are a part of. AlphaRP takes a hard stance against any derogatory terms or actions against its members. We will enforce a strict code of conduct within our community and act on items that are distasteful, for example: sexual harassment, excessive name calling or shaming, disrespectful attacks a on personal level, etc. At the end of the day, we are all here to enjoy a world outside of the one we live in. We are here to escape to a world where we can create a new life with amazing experiences. Simply put, respect one another; have justification and reasoning for your actions. Simply saying “it’s my character” will not be considered a valid response. Staff is always here to help with any matters or issues that arise no matter how big or small.AlphaRP for a true roleplay experience, made by the best for the best.